Get Access To The Ultimate HR Analytics Blueprint By Registering For The Masterclass
DATE: Wednesday , 9th August
TIME: 7.00 PM Sharp
Claim Bonuses Worth Rs.3000/- For Free
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Note – ” 71% of businesses are considering HR analytics on high priority while only 9% of organizations believe they have a clear idea of which talent dimension drives performance in their organizations!”
Are you an HR professional increasingly being asked to analyze data to find patterns and trends leading to budget optimization and increased efficiencies?
Does your organization want you to achieve better hiring outcomes, reduce attrition, create a device policy and make smarter decisions?
Are you confused about which tools to use and how to interpret the data?
Are you someone who wants to change your career trajectory and shift towards the most in-demand HR skill of 2022 – HR Analytics?
Animesh is co-founder of Ripples Learning and Director – Certifications & Training, CHRMP.
Ripples consults in HR Analytics and other domains of HR.
In the last 18 years of core HR experience, Animesh has consulted with premier organisations worldwide, including Fortune 100 companies.
He has trained & coached more than 20,000 HR professionals from 56 countries from marquee organisations.
For any support, please mail us at [email protected]. Our support team will get in touch with you within 24 hours.