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The CPD Membership for HR professionals is a massive collection of HR resources, with step by step instructions, which help you to accomplish HR goals and boost your career.
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Here are the planned Masterclasses from September 2021 to September 2022. You get access to all these sessions and their recordings 2 days after the session is conducted. We conduct 3 new masterclasses and add 3 new templates every week. We never repeat our sessions.
This is the missing link in your career. The work that you need to put in.
Project Coordinator, Technicolor
“As an HR Professional, I was interested in self-paced learning, and CHRMP’s library of HR resources ensured I do not miss out on any updates. It provided me in depth knowledge on professional and real world practices, Resources and Contacts. Learning with CHRMP was always a fun and energetic experience. Managing online training the way CHRMP does is an exhausting task, and yet they ensure everyone is engaged and participative. I would definitely recommend CHRMP Membership to friends, family and colleagues. When Industry Leaders sit down with you and share their stories and provide a window into the opportunities available, you must fell inspired and want to do more.”
Deputy Manager HR Cytecare Hospitals Pvt ltd
“CHRMP Membership has provided me up to date topics that are career relevant. The Resource Hub is very helpful, and assisted me greatly in HR analytics. I turned to CHRMP because of its vast resource database, but also because I believed it would present me with opportunities of career growth and promotions. I believe CHRMP is much more practical than an MBA, and I would definitely recommend it to HR Professionals.”
Associate Manager, HCL Technologies
Learning is a continuous process and I restarted my journey to learn, explore and to build new skills. Great Learning experience and good practical knowledge with real time case studies. I enjoyed being a part of this and would look forward for more learnings.
Sr. HR Officer, Agility Logistics, Dubai
Very crisp and precise syllabus which helped me in right learning. Great and supportive team.
I would recommend this to anyone and everyone.
I’m so grateful for this session on Designing Kirkpatrick L2 form. I have three crucial takeaways from this session. The first one is that the L2 Kirkpatrick form and the L2 Kirkpatrick level is a very crucial Jump up point to L3 and L4 and could even impact ROI. The second is that when we think of L2 level, we must do it on the basis of how it can contribute to the business outcome. Right? Because that’s very important. It’s not just for the training sake, but for the business. And then the last one is how to formulate the proper criteria while measuring the L2.
The biggest takeaway for me was actually an eye opener in terms of the format of L2 form itself. I’ve been with L & D for the last 10 years.All this while we used to directly get into the reaction form on the day of the training program, after the end of the program So we didn’t give a pre-assessment to the participants. Thank you very much for this session which is an good eye opener for me.
Implement proven best practices in the world of HR to streamline your HR sytems and processes and garner the benefits of increased recognition.
Our members report something changes the minute they start using the resources they gain access to with the CPD Membership. Suddenly, jargon and words that were confusing for years become clear and they start focusing on career growth and professional development with a new perspective.
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